
5 Steps to Write an Effective Event Filming Brief & Your Free Template!

Event filming is one of our most popular services. And that’s no surprise, really. Planning and producing an event is no small feat, so creating lasting video outputs that can be shared with your audiences, is a hugely worthwhile value-add. And the best first step to ensure success is creating an event filming brief.

What is an event filming brief?

A comprehensive event filming brief is a document that outlines the objectives, details, requirements and outputs of filming an event. This is shared with the event filming company that you’ve commissioned to create your video outputs to ensure they are to your exact specifications.

Why do I need an event filming brief?

You no doubt have an idea of how you’d like your video to look and feel. Well, an event filming brief will help you communicate those ideas to everyone working on the project, ensuring everyone is on the same page. This is the easiest and most effective way to achieve a successful video production outcome.

What do I need to include in my event filming brief?

The more detailed you can be, the better. Below are the key elements of a brief that we will discuss in more detail. And more than that, we’ll provide you with a downloadable template to kick-start your next event filming project.

  • Event details
  • Video objectives and target audience
  • Video output details
  • Budget and timeline
  • Style / tone references



Build your event filming brief

1. Event details

Provide a clear description of the event, including any relevant background information, as well as the date, location, and purpose.

Event time
Include the event agenda, so the team know what is happening and when.

Does your event venue have audio-visual equipment set up or do you need to include AV in your project?

2. Video objectives & target audience

What is the purpose of the video output(s)? Do you have a message you need to convey? What do you want your audience to think and feel when watching your video?

What channels are you going to share your video outputs and who is your target audience?

3. Video output details

Include the full list E.g. Highlight video, social media cut-downs, vox-pops, etc.

Key details
Do you need any specific music, sound effects, or graphics added to the footage? How long do you want the video to be and in what format (e.g. 60 seconds in 9:16). Consider this in light of the channels you are sharing the outputs.

Key shots
Specify which parts of the event need to be filmed (e.g. main stage) and from what angle, and any specific shots, footage, or key people that need to be captured (E.g. interviews, presentations, panels. etc.). Including the event schedule is useful as well as how many presentations/panels you need recording and editing.

4. Budget & timeline

Have a clear idea of what your budget is to ensure it is maximised.

When do you need the final edits?

5. Style / tone references

It is always useful to see videos that you like and even any you dislike. It helps the production team get a solid idea of your taste and what you are looking to achieve.

Your free event filming brief template

We’ve shared our template which runs you through each of the points above to kick-start your next event filming project!

You can build it step-by-step by downloading the Event Filming Brief PDF.

What now? How should I use my event filming brief?

If you have multiple team members working on the project, make sure everyone has input into the brief and is in agreement. Then when it is time to approach an event filming company, send them your brief so they have a good idea of what you are trying to achieve. This will help the company to provide an accurate quote for the project. Your event filming company will also be able to look at your brief with an experienced eye and make suggestions to ensure all of your objectives are fully met. Your brief can then be further developed, if needed, to take into account these suggestions before the day of the event comes around.

While it might seem like a lot of work, event filming briefs are one of the most effective ways to ensure a successful project. Write as much detail as possible, and talk through your brief with your event filming company until everyone is on the same page. This means when the event day comes around, both parties are set up for success.

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